Mana gatherers are friendly creatures in Arcane Worlds who seek mana and bring it to your castle. They are spawned at your castle automatically.
Now, to open the portal to another world you need to collect enough mana in your castle. The castle also absorbs any mana dropped on it, so placing it strategically and fighting monsters near it could significantly speed up mana gathering.
The game is now in “alpha”, up from “pre-alpha”, so I raised the price to $10.
As usual, more info, demo download and purchase button are here.
Where Did Water Go? Ive Seen No Water For While.
Sorry, I Meant “Why Is Water Rarely Generated In World Creation?”
There’s 30% chance water will be added when generating a world. So 70% worlds have no water.
You can try generating new worlds with Ctrl-G. When a water is added it’s noticeable, because there’s a “simulating water” progress bar for several seconds.
I think I’ll make the worlds more varied in the next version, and make more of them have water.